Thursday, March 13, 2014

#8 What Can I Take from All of This?

Summary of Research

 Through all of my research this semester, there are many things I can take away.  When I first began looking for things that I could blog about, I didn't really think that I was going to necessarily find many ways in which poverty was coming to an end. However, I was surprised to see that much of my research involved ways in which poverty was beginning to decline in the world or how other people were trying to put an end to it. If I could take away anything in particular it would be that we are all the solution to ending poverty. If we are pro-active people with the right mindset anything is possible; even seemingly impossible things. I realized that there really are tons of organizations that are extremely dedicated to ending poverty around the globe and that it is pretty easy to become involved and to help wherever possible. Knowing this, I hope that I can become involved with helping to end poverty in any way that I can. Hopefully the knowledge that I have gained this semester will be the first step in my road to helping end poverty.

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