Sunday, March 30, 2014

Quarter 2 #1 Suggested Research Method/Why? Poverty

For my semester project I am thinking about using survey research to find out just how much people actually know about poverty. Being that I learned so much through my research in the previous quarter, I thought it would be interesting to see if people know the things I just recently learned. Before I did my research, I thought I knew so much more than I actually did about poverty. I think it will be interesting to see how much people know, or don't know on the subject of poverty. I think that I might ask some questions about certain factual information on poverty while also asking some opinionated questions. Since I have really learned a great deal of information, hopefully my survey will help me to see what people don't understand about poverty so that I might be able to teach them some things that they don't already know.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

#8 What Can I Take from All of This?

Summary of Research

 Through all of my research this semester, there are many things I can take away.  When I first began looking for things that I could blog about, I didn't really think that I was going to necessarily find many ways in which poverty was coming to an end. However, I was surprised to see that much of my research involved ways in which poverty was beginning to decline in the world or how other people were trying to put an end to it. If I could take away anything in particular it would be that we are all the solution to ending poverty. If we are pro-active people with the right mindset anything is possible; even seemingly impossible things. I realized that there really are tons of organizations that are extremely dedicated to ending poverty around the globe and that it is pretty easy to become involved and to help wherever possible. Knowing this, I hope that I can become involved with helping to end poverty in any way that I can. Hopefully the knowledge that I have gained this semester will be the first step in my road to helping end poverty.

Monday, March 10, 2014

#7 Biodiversity and Ending Poverty?

Why Should You Care About Wildlife? How can it Help End Poverty?

In the article that I found, it talks about how Biodiversity and Wildlife help to keep the economy going and keep us away from poverty. Animal, plant and marine biodiversity keeps ecosystems functional which in turn allows us to survive, get enough food to eat and make a living.Biodiversity is critical to ending poverty because many people depend on nature itself for their livelihood. Because many animals are becoming extinct, it has become increasingly hard for people to survive because they lack food which helps them to eat and make a living. It is also critical to the poor because 75% of the poor live in rural areas and are dependent on nature to live. The World Bank has invested has over $1 billion invested in protecting wildlife and provides the means to protect wildlife to many areas of the world via financial support. Investments in biodiversity can create jobs and raise incomes. The Bank’s US$ 5.5 million investment in South Africa’s Greater Addo Elephant National Park created 614 jobs for people living in the surrounding areas.When we protect animals and plants, we are also protecting  the ecosystems that underlie our economies and well-being. I think that it is wonderful that simply protecting the environment (which we should be doing anyway) we can help in potentially decreasing the poverty rate around the world. Simple things that we do in our daily life can not only help other people who may be in poverty, but can also help to reduce the poverty rate. Hopefully by enforcing Biodiversity we can start helping to end poverty around the world.

Monday, March 3, 2014

#6 The World Bank

The website that I just came across I think is the most helpful and interesting thing that I found so far all semester. As you can see from the picture below, the World Bank is an organization trying to rid the world of poverty. The World bank has many projects and operations with which it is involved and is constantly trying to make people aware of what poverty is and how we can try and stop it. I really enjoyed this website because it has such a variety of different things to read about and tons of data and statistics that are relevant to my topic of poverty. This one website gave me insight to things I never knew about and supplied me with many articles to read without having to keep changing to a series of different websites. Just about anything that I could need or want to discover about poverty is now so easy for me to find because this website has everything I could want to know about poverty. I would encourage everyone to take the time to read through some of the organizations and plans for stopping poverty; you never know how you can help to make a difference in the world by doing something simple. I noticed that there are live chats on this website for people to express their own views about poverty. I hope to participate one day and to hear other people's ideas so that I can try and make a difference in the world of poverty too.