Sunday, February 23, 2014

#5 The Poor will NOT ALWAYS be with us

 "The tyranny of extreme poverty is being broken."

The message of this video is that one day we will be able to see a world without poverty and that there is still hope; even though it seems like the bad statistics are bigger than the solutions. In the beginning of the video, Dr. Scott Todd says something that I never really realized before. He said that diseases, lack of food, clean water, and most natural disasters don't kill people.. but extreme poverty does. Extreme poverty is the "one single killer responsible for all of these deaths".There are many signs that show that poverty is reducing. In just a few years, the Malaria rate as well as the rate of children dying every day from unpreventable causes was cut in half! Even if we look back only a short amount of time, it is clear that things have began to change for the better. Just 100 years ago nearly everyone was living in extreme poverty and only lived to be about 30 years old. Today the world has made improvements and we now have things such as the automobile, plane, vaccines and more that show we are making our way out of poverty as a whole. We have been able to cut the percentage of people living in extreme poverty in half. I find it amazing that in such a short amount of time we have been able to make advances and start moving in the right direction away from poverty.
 I think that i especially liked this video because it is greatly based off of religious ideas and information. My faith is really important to me so I really connected with this video and was able to really understand his point of view. If out generation works together, we really may be able to see an end to poverty as it is today. If the percentage has already been cut in half, why can't it be cut down again? 

1 comment:

  1. #3- It is nice to hear that the poverty rate is decreasing dramatically! It's crazy to think that extreme poverty can be so detrimental to people. I like how the video has an optimistic mindset of the future, and i also like how it has to do with faith because that is also really important to me. Overall i really enjoyed reading your article!
