Sunday, February 9, 2014

#4 Calling all "Janes of the World"!

 "Being poor doesn't mean being ordinary." 
 TED "An Escape from Poverty" talk

The video TED talk that I found really inspired me. It first taught me that poverty really is more than just income and that we need to look at it on a broader spectrum to understand it. Even though there were a lot of powerful things stated in the video, the quote above really struck me as something that was true. When most people think of the poor, they probably think that they are helpless people and can't do anything for other people; especially when they can barely help themselves. After watching the TED talk and learning about the inspirational attitude of a woman named Jane, I realized that this way of thinking was completely false. The young woman Jane lived in a very poor slum in Kenya called Nairobi which is known for prostitution and violence. Throughout her life, Jane had two dreams: to be a doctor, and marry a good man that would stay with her and make a family. However, when she did get married her husband left her and she had no money to pursue becoming a doctor so she turned to prostitution. One really powerful thing that she said was "The poverty wasn't so bad, it was the humiliation and embarrassment of it all." Even though Jane had many hardships in her life, the video talks about how she ultimately turned it around. She started her own business re-purposing dresses and jewelry and selling them to women to make money. She was even able to eventually move into a newly built community and have better living conditions for her and her children. This video really inspired me because it gave me some hope when looking at the subject of poverty. It showed me that the change really starts with you, and that anything is possible if you believe and work hard. Even though Jane had to give up on her original dreams, she is still thankful for everything she has in life and feels that she can inspire other people and help her own family; which is what really satisfies her. Jane said "Maybe I'm not a doctor that gives out pills, but I'm something better because I give them hope." I think we all need to become more like Jane so we can spread a positive light and hope for the future of hopefully one day ending poverty. Calling all Janes of the world... will you accept the challenge to bring forth the change?

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