Sunday, January 26, 2014

#2 Povery Facts and Stats Blog

Poverty Facts and Stats

 I chose to read the poverty facts and stats article first because I felt that I should have a general knowledge of the poverty totals in the world before doing any specific research. This article really broke down into the specifics of how badly poverty is plaguing the world. The very first sentence of the article " Almost half the world — over three billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day" really put into perspective just how serious poverty is throughout the world. Living in the mostly fortunate society that I live in, there is no possible way anyone could live off of only $2.50 per day. That amount of money could barley even buy one person lunch at McDonald's! The statistics found in this article were truly horrifying and unbelievable . The amount of people dying and becoming sick due to the poverty levels not only in the US, but the whole world, is really sickening. Another statistic that was really shocking to me was the amount of people in the world living without electricity. I know that I would not be able to survive without having electricity, so it breaks my heart to know that there are hundreds of millions of people living in places like South Asia, East Asia, and Africa living without any electricity at all. Not only did this article help to put into perspective the gravity of the poverty situation in the world, but it also made me truly appreciative of what I have and that I am fortunate enough to not have to live in poverty.  


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't realize that almost half the world lives off of only 2.50 everyday! Thats just crazy! I cant wait to read more about what you post! Its really interesting!
